
×Sedeveria ‘Letizia’

Parentage: Sedum cuspidatum × Echeveria setosa var. ciliata

I have this plant from my friend Letizia Alleruzo in Italy.

Ray Stephenson comments :
About 25 years ago I purchased a single head of this plant from Brian Fearn of Abbey Brooke Cactus Nursery, Matlock, Derbyshire, England. It was clearly labelled Sedum cuspidatum × Echeveria setosa var. ciliata . I had both parents in those days and sadly lost the Sedum parent never to able to recover it. Today my hybrid plant only 4 heads. I have given away a few cuttings over the years but no one could describe this plant as vigorous!

I phoned Brian Fearn in June ’05 to ask if he had never named this plant. His nursery Abbey Brooke near Matlock, Derbyshire has been the source of many Crassulaceae cultivars, some of which Brian has named. Apparently he never did give this cultivar an epithet, so the name applied to the cultivar grown in Italy should be retained. He told me that he received his original cutting from Fred Wass, a Nottinghamshire miner, member of the NCSS (The National Cactus & Succulent Society) and keen grower of members of Crassulaceae. A number within his circle of acquaintances and friends such as Artur Baynes, Victor Kane and Fred Ives, with whom he traded cuttings, have all had inter-generic Crassulaceae named in their memories.

Fred Wass too was obviously extremely keen to hybridise species in his collection, and ‘Letizia’ is almost certainly a result of his horticultural experimentation. I have been trying to find out more about Fred Wass where David Rushforth has given me some leads to follow up.

The long, highly textured stems of ‘Letizia’, which develop slowly, are just like Sedum cuspidatum and the plant overall is also very reminiscent of Aeonium decorum from La Gomera (but not the flowers of course).

Fred Wass さんが作ったんかい。

letizia ってのは英語にすれば Joy に当たる単語でもあって、そっちは『レティシア』と濁らないっぽい。
人名とJOYのダブルミーニングネーミンギングみたいだけど発音自体は Letizia Alleruzo さんに準ずるんだろうしわからんわ。
そういう意味でもカタカナなんかにしないで×Sedeveria ‘Letizia’と書けばとりあえずは何の問題もない!




